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The first thing you'll need is a torrent client. A popular free one for Windows is uTorrent, which you can download from its website at Once it's installed, click on 'Files' from the top menu bar and then 'Add Torrent'.Click on the button that says 'browse', find your torrent file and open it—it should start downloading automatically. If not, move on to step two below.In uTorrent, click on 'Tools' from the top menu bar and then select ‘Options’. Under the 'Connection' heading, click on the 'Advanced' button. This will bring up a new box and under that box there should be a heading that says ‘Bandwidth’. The number next to it should be 0 KB/sec. If it's anything other than 0 you'll need to change it by clicking on the underlined word ‘0’ next to it. This will open another box, which you can close (this is where you set your download limit).The other thing you should double check is that your ‘enable disk cache’ option is checked, just below the '0' link. This will save you bandwidth by telling your computer to store the files it downloads onto its hard drive, rather than trying to download them again once you restart uTorrent.The final thing you'll need to do is set up a Peer Guardian account, which is an anti-leeching program. To do this, click on ‘Tools’ from the top menu bar and then hit ‘CG Config’. This will bring up another window—select PCG Settings and then change your settings (you can find them here). edit] Anonymouse ProxyIf you are in the USA, Canada, the UK or Australia you will need to use Anonymouse Proxy, which can be downloaded for free from here. The one you download should be marked ‘latest’. Once it's installed, go to Menu > Tools > Settings and change the 'Host' field to 'proxy through anonymously.' This setting is crucial if you want 100% anonymity when using torrent sites anonymously. You don't ever have to connect with your real IP address when using torrents anonymously. More info can be found here. edit] How to DownloadBefore you get started with the actual download, make sure your torrent client is closed. First, download uTorrent and extract it to a folder of your choice. Then extract the file you just downloaded and run the .exe file inside. Go to 'Ânonymouse Proxy' and click on 'Add New Hosts', then enter: Â and press add and OK to save it. You can now run uTorrent by double clicking on ‘uTorrent’ from the folder you extracted it to in step 1. This is where you’ll see several options—click on ‘Load Torrent’ and select the .
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